Knitting Needle Lane runs through the Town of Spool and passes right in front of the homes of The Legwamer sisters and their cousins.
Inside the home of The Legwarmers, fun dancing stories of the Legwarmer family are shared over balls of yarn being made into fuzzy sweaters, while playing with Bently, Jazzermina's caterpillar.
The BEST food, the BEST stories, and the BEST sleep-overs all happen here... at Granmamina's House!.
Another important landmark is The King’s Palace, located at the top of Ballonné Bluffs. This is the residence of King Echappé and his royal family. King Echappé hosts yearly auditions for dancers to attend, in his search for the best performances in the Town of Spool.
Inside the Legwarmer dance studio, new dance creations come to life accompanied by the tantalizing rhythms of the bongos, the piano, and any other instrument that can be found inside these walls... including the voice of The Great Master Allegro!
All the people of the Town of Spool are Kanoopies—which is a term describing a person who loves to dance and uses dance as their main source of locomotion. They dance on their way to school, or to work, or to rehearsal at the Town of Spool Theatre.
There is nothing better than Granmamina's yummies baked, and roasted right here with love while she chassées through her kitchen.
The Time-Step Trolly connects the top of the town to the bottom. The great thing about the Time-Step Trolly is that a new Time-Step is taught every day at five minutes past the hour where passengers who travel to and fro can practice throughout the day. This is Tappermina Legwarmers' favourite mode of transportation.
An ethnographic museum that plays host to all of the textiles and fabrics used in the traditional costumes of the region of Klapstik.
Ballermina is the elder sister of Jazzermina Legwarmer. Her favourite dance genre to perform is Ballet with Master Allegro being her most inspirational teacher. Her dream is to one day dance with Ballet Fantastique, the dance company founded by the Great-Uncle of Master Allegro. Ballermina Legwarmer often acts as the messenger to the plot and enjoys instigating the new adventure. Ballermina has a pet swan named Goose and loves to eat Lemony Choco-Lime Super Slide Sundaes from the Ice Cream Shop; The Spool Scoop..
Jazzermina is Ballermina’s younger sister and her favourite genre of dance is Jazz because it is dynamic, exciting and vivacious—much like her personality. Jazzermina has a difficult time figuring out right and left, but nevertheless dances on with a wide smile. Aside from Jazz, Jazzermina likes going on adventures with her family and dreams to perform on stage with LIZAMINA in her touring show Lizamina Live Jumpin’ Jivin’ and Jazzin’. Jazzermina dreams of dancing with her one day. She loves to eat Lemon Drop cookies and often exchanges recipes with her pet caterpillar, Bently.
Folklormino, is the brother of Tappermina and Modernmina Legwarmer and the first cousin to Ballermina and Jazzermina Legwarmer. Folklormino loves folk dances the most and enjoys performing The Braid Pearl: The Traditional Dance of the Kanoopies. This dance is performed in the town square during The Birthday of the Town of Spool and at the Town of Spool Picnic where all the Kanoopies gather to celebrate the beginning of summer. Folklormino has a magic scarf that can take him out of the Town of Spool and into any world where he may learn dances from different countries. Folklormino’s dream is to take his magic scarf around the world and learn all the dances he can by performing them locally, in the streets and in villages with all the people he meets
Tappermina loves to dance tap; it is her favorite dance genre. Her dream is to dance beside Freddermino Astermino, the best tap dancer that ever graced the stages of the Town of Spool Theatre in his show Tap in Time. Tappermina is very particular about time, punctuality for performances, dancing on time, and for reminding her family that it is time for the Step of the Day. Furthermore, Tappermina enjoys taking the Time Step Trolly, which is the bus that travels down Spool’s Main Street. Tappermina is the youngest sibling to Folklormino and Modernmina and she absolutely adores her cousins Ballerina and Jazzermina Legwarmer.
MODERMINA (Modern Dance)
Modernmina loves to dance modern dance; she feels it helps her express her inside story. Modernmina also likes to help solve conflicts in the family when they arise and she tries to keep everyone focused; however, she has difficulty as she, too, finds focusing to be a challenge. Her dream is to wear a beautiful, long red dress on stage while bounding and leaping effortlessly into the air as the material floats around her. Modernnmina is the sister of Folklormino and Tappermina, the middle sibling in fact, and is happy to have an older brother to go to for help—even though Folklormino can sometimes make her frustrated. In turn, Modernmina is happy to be able to help out her younger sister Tappermina especially with her log rolls.
Mayor Mazel’s mother and father started a newspaper from their home when Mazel was very little. They wanted the Kanoopie’s of Spool to be able to sell their merchandise, find help for the local farms and to promote the concerts coming up at the then newly made Town of Spool Theatre. Mayor Mazel’s parents really loved the town and wanted to bring everyone closer through a community newspaper, naming it THE DAILY SPOOL. The young Mazel recognized the pride her family had for their town. Working in the family business alongside her parents and siblings helped put Mazel through university where she studied International Business and Politics. Shortly after graduating from University Mazel felt the need to lead her community and ran for Mayor winning by a landslide.
Granmamina used to be a Rockettina in her younger days and loved to chaseé along the Promenade of Balloné Bluffs when she was a younger Kanoopie. With the Rockettinas, Granmamina performed in all the great theatres with her high kicks and her quick tapping feet. Her favourite theatre however was and always will be the Town of Spool Theatre where she met the love of her life Karlottomino Legwarmer where he asked her to dance. And so it was, they were married and had three incredible children. Granmamina can always be seen kicking up her heels in her kitchen and informing the Legwarmers and the audience about the great dances performed by the Legwarmer family for many years. She is the thread that keeps them all tied to their history and their family traditions.
The Maestro is the Ballet teacher for the Legwarmer family and to all of the Kanoopies in the Town of Spool. He learned to dance under the tutelage of his Great Uncle Fernando, the founder of Ballet Fantastique. Master Allegro joined Ballet Fantastique as a teenaged Kanoopie, and trained hard every day. He toured all over, performing in every beautiful theatre imaginable—his favourite venue being The Town of Spool Theatre, which is where only the best come to perform. Master Allegro became the Ballet Master for Ballet Fantastique after performing in the company for twenty five years. As Ballet Master, he teaches Ballet class daily at The Legwarmer Dance Studio.
The Legwarmer Lessons is a series of dance syllabi that can be used in many educational systems...
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